“According to participants, sponsors and seller feedback, the 2018 Colorado Ranch & Land Tour was a smashing success!”, Said Kem Winternitz Agent of Mason and Morse Ranch Company.
The two-day event outside of Colorado Springs began from Woodland Park Colorado, toured through Guffey, Divide, Lake George and back to Woodland Park. Mason & Morse Ranch Company agent, Kem Winternitz, ALC who brings real estate ranch and land marketing sales services to buyers and seller in the area helped organize the tour events that went off without a hitch.
“Kem Winternitz is an exceptional agent in the Colorado Springs area specializing in real estate land sales ranging from small acreage ranchettes to large recreational properties in the surrounding Colorado mountain towns.” Said Bart Miller, Managing Broker, Mason & Morse Ranch Company. “I have never known someone who can put together so many deals each year for buyers and sellers and continually bring a high level of personal services to each client. For anyone looking to buyer or sell their acreage, ranchettes or larger recreational land holdings near Colorado Springs, Divide CO, Lake George CO, Guffey CO and surrounding communities Kem is the right agent without question.”
The event began Wednesday night at the Country Inn in Woodland Park with a BBQ buffet held on the hotels terrace, located in the shadow of America's Mountain, Pikes Peak. The attendees enjoyed cocktails and the incredible view. At 8 a.m. the next morning along with the help of Tracy McGinty from McGinty's wood Oven Pub in Divide Colorado a tailgate breakfast was catered at the spectacular Ute Pass Ranch located just west of the town of Divide, in Teller County .
Ute Pass Ranch www.ranchland.com/utepass consists of approximately 2400 acres and is being offered for $11,400,000. It is listed by John Stratman and Kem Winternitz.
After that it was on to Cobb Creek Ranch www.ranchland.com/cobbcreek located about 45 minutes away in Park County. Cobb Creek Ranch is listed by Robb and Ron Van Pelt and consists of approximately 2900 acres and is being offered for $3,999,000.
After the tour, complete with lovely meadows filled with wild irises and a stop to look at the resident eagles nest, the brokers caravanned back to Lake George with a quick stop at Crystal Peak Ranch to view as a comparable sale. Crystal Peak Ranch was listed and sold by Kem Winternitz, ALC of Mason and Morse Ranch Company.
Then it was off to Lake George Community Park. Once again Tracy from McGinty's was on the spot with pizza, salad and cold drinks for the crew.
Hay Creek Ranch www.ranchlan.com/haycreek north of the town of Tarryall was the final property on the tour, a unique and truly special ranch of approximately 127 acres listed by Karen Mickelson and Eric West of Mason and Morse Ranch Company for $2,200,000.
To wrap the day up, the brokers went back to McGintys Wood Oven Pub in Divide for a private reception to network, summarize the tour, share opinions of value and enjoy the moment. A great time was had by all!
Kem Winternitz
Phone: 719-249-7079
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